What is Pau Hana?

"Pau hana" is a Hawaiian phrase that means "end of work" or "after work.” It's made up of the Hawaiian words pau (finished) and hana (work).

The brand was birthed from that concept, alone. Photography was a big part of my life at the time and the only opportunities I had to pursue that passion was to wait until after work or cram it all into my lunch hour….hence when I was “finished with work.”

The Pau Hana brand aims to represent a community of creatives and non-creatives alike; namely, for those who continually pursue their passions outside of the daily grind.

The most important aspect of this pursuit is to finding the happiest version of yourself.

The literal meaning of “holoholo” is to go out for pleasure; be it a stroll, cruising around, going fishing, playing a round of golf, riding your skateboard, etc.

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